In our Epic Entrepreneurial Journey, you may need a little more help from a trusted professional who specialises in that area. EPIC LIFE 101 has a team of our Experts & Friends that we trust and have referred to many people who have been as happy as we have with them and what they offer.
Feel free to connect with these wonderful people for that little bit of extra help that you may need along your Epic Life Journey.
PDA International
Cheryl Mackinnon
Top three tips:
Ever felt like a square peg in a round hole ? ever had team players that you could not work out… let me help you help them understand themselves, creating self-awareness is the best gift you can give someone.
90% of people are hired for their skills yet fired or leave for behavioural reasons ! We modify our behaviour by the challenge we are faced with.. wouldn’t you like to know who people were most of the time ? what happens to them when deadlines are looming ? and even better, their behaviour under pressure ?????
If you have the ideal traits required for a role, you will never work a day in your life.. innately you have what it takes and you fair exceptionally well in comparison to our benchmark. Hey, go-ahead give it a bash, the only regret you will have, is not having done a PDA earlier…
Cindy Norcott
Top Three Tips:
Always give extra value. If you want to be wildly successful, be the most generous and abundant person you know. Give people more than they have any right to expect and keep doing it.
Your life is only as good as your habits so make sure that you develop good habits that will lead to a great life because your day is just your life in miniature.
Big achievements are absolutely nothing more than loads of small seemingly insignificant little actions that eventually lead to the final achievement. If you commit to lots of humble actions every single day, you will get there!
Andries Koen
Top Three Tips:
Ensure you manage your risk as an employer by means of customised contracts of employment and appropriate policies;
Hold your staff accountable for their conduct and performance in a fair manner;
Know your rights when dealing with Unions to prevent negative consequences for your business
Jody Fabre
Top Three Tips:
Always begin with the end in mind
Never be afraid to start over
Consistency is key
Jonathan Acutt
Top Three Tips:
Perfect the art of ‘leverage’
Don’t exchange your time for money, exchange your time for your ‘value’ you bring
Build a team around you that allows you to focus on your strengths, whilst they support you on your weaknesses.
Bruce Burnett
Top Three Tips:
Be full of integrity
Always under promise and over deliver
Network like crazy
Emma Dunk
Top Three Tips:
Free media coverage is attainable for any business!
Regular communication with all of your stakeholders is key (clients, suppliers, staff, community etc.)!
It is essential that all of your social media channels and company website conveys the correct message, tone & personality to align with your brand!
Chrystal Austin
Top Three Tips
If you want to be amongst 60% of organisations who attested to benefits in excess of up to four times, start by investing in, and having highly emotional intelligent employees
76% of executives agree that AI will increase the demand for Emotional Intelligence skills as more employees will engage in client/people-facing roles
Companies benefit from employees who are coached to display high EI through enhanced productivity, job satisfaction, wellbeing, increased market share and reduced attrition.
Nathan Austin
Top Three Tips:
Leadership is our ability as individuals to influence and inspire people’s hearts and minds towards something that matters…to them.
Now more than ever, leaders in this new world of volatility, uncertainty and unpredictability must display greater levels of resilience, if they are to lead their teams and companies successfully into the future.
We have all heard the statement, “Our people are our greatest asset”. Turns out that’s not entirely true. People are not your greatest asset, the right people are. The right people will do the right things, at the right time for the right reason. The wrong people can be your greatest liability.
ActionCOACH Ignite
Darryn Le Grange
Top Three Tips:
Your Business is your vehicle to Achieve your Goals & Dreams for your Life – I will guide you to Build your business to serve you, your family and your Goals & Dreams
The Secret to Business Growth is Marketing – I will help you Turn your Marketing from an Expense into an Investment – this will give you an Unlimited Marketing Budget and Excellent Growth
Imagine playing a round of Golf and not keeping Score? The same applies for your business – I will show you how to keep the Score (the numbers) in your Business so we can Track and Plan your Improvement and Progress
JEFF Fitness
Janelle Boddy
Top Three Tips:
Drink 3L water daily - it’s your secret weapon
Think Nutrition not Calories
Never skip a Monday - set your week up for success - no matter how you feel - always do what’s right!
PC Management Services
Chantel Alston-Stewart
Top Three Tips:
Save & Stash
Save for a rainy day
Stash your VAT & Tax
The Success Company
Catarina Farrimond
Top Three Tips:
Take 1 day at a time- Tomorrow has its own worries- Live to your fullest, today.
Don’t give up with anything, persistence really does reward.
To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice your Gift.
Flying Kite
Charles Hsuan
Top Three Tips:
"Good storytelling" will beat "good selling”...every-time
Why else do you remember the story of Shrek, yet you can’t recall 5 points from the last business presentation you attended?
Storytelling in sales is a skill that we can and should all learn, I want you to take it, adapt it, and put your fingerprint on it.
Is your marketing message memorable and repeatable?